A soil boring test is a subsurface investigation of the soil to determine its strength and properties. Soil boring is a technique used to survey soil by taking several shallow cores out of the sediment. The soil can then be tested to be sure it doesn’t contain any hazardous contaminants such as oil. Eastern Environmental Solutions utilizes Geoprobe technology to conduct our subsurface investigations. Our Geoprobe units allow us to access buildings, hallways, and other areas typically thought to be inaccessible for subsurface investigation.
Why Would I Need to Conduct a Soil Boring Test?
The most common reason a soil boring test would take place would be when a building permit is needed or when purchasing or selling land. Most state laws require sellers to disclose environmental conditions to prospective buyers. In order for buyers to avoid liability for existing environmental conditions, they can do a minimal level of “due diligence” to ensure the property is in good shape. The surest way to prove that the property is free of contamination is to run chemical analyses on the soil. Before you can test the soil, you must drill borings to bring the sample to the surface. Soil samples provide data about potential contamination in surface soil (0 to 3 feet) that may affect animals and people in residences, and in subsurface soil (3 to 15 feet) that may affect utility, construction, or excavation workers. Soil boring tests can also be conducted around your underground storage tank to be sure there hasn’t been any leakage.
How Eastern Environmental Solutions Conducts Soil Boring Tests
We are specialists with extensive experience in all types of subsurface investigations. Soil and groundwater sampling is performed utilizing Direct Push Technology (DPT) or Rotary Sonic Drilling Technology. Utilizing our Geoprobe equipment fleet, we can collect water and soil samples at depths greater than 100 feet below ground. Eastern will also acquire all analytical data needed for your subsurface investigation from our licensed network of analytical laboratories. Our soil boring and drill service provides you with accurate and timely data results for your soil, groundwater, or subsurface structural concerns.