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Geoprobe® 8140LS Rotary Sonic Rig

Eastern Environmental Solutions welcomes the newest piece of equipment to our team! The 8140LS Geoprobe® Rotary Sonic Drill Rig is a powerful mid-sized rotary sonic rig that easily handles 10ft-tooling. It boasts full rotary capabilities combined with Geoprobes® patented sonic head, exclusive to Geoprobe® systems. There are considerable differences between the 8140LS Geoprobe® rig, and the other Geoprobes® Eastern Environmental owns and operates (“Dingo” GH Series, 7822DT, 6610DT, 54LT, 54M, 420M). The most fundamental difference is the mechanism by which it operates, which is rotary sonic drilling technology. 

Rotary Sonic drilling is a soil penetration technique that strongly reduces friction on the drill string and drill bit due to liquefaction, inertia effects, and temporary reduction of porosity of the soil. The combination makes penetrating an extensive range of soils easy for our 8140LS Geoprobe® Rotary Sonic Drilling Rig. The penetration rates in most bedrocks are faster with this technology also.

Rotary Sonic Drilling Advantages

  • Speed: rotary sonic drilling provides a quick way of obtaining samples, especially at shallow depths.

  • Superior Data Collection: the Geoprobe® 8140LS provides high-quality samples relative to other drilling methods such as Direct-Push-Technology (DPT).

  • Waste Minimization: Very little waste generated with sonic rotary drilling. About 60-70% reduction compared to hollow stem auger.

  • Safety: Sonic rotary drilling is generally safer and more stable than comparable drilling methods. 

  • Environmental Cleanliness: Rotary Sonic Drilling is an ideal method of drilling, especially with dry drilling on contaminated sites, there is only a small amount of residual contaminant that comes to the surface. Most of the return that does come up is contained easily in a collection pan.

  • No Refusal: For most typical applications, Easterns new Geoprobe® 8140LS has very low to no refusal. No refusal is the depth at which a well or borehole drilling cannot continue, usually because it cannot penetrate the material. Sonic drilling is capable of drilling through an extensive range of materials, including bedrock! No refusal makes sonic drilling incredibly versatile for our Geoprobe® operators.

Typical 8140LS Applications

As noted earlier, one of the most valuable advantages of Sonic drilling is the versatility it provides because of no refusal. Sonic drilling provides information to enhance conventional methods or bridge the gap where traditional methods fail. Low or no recovery, inability to penetrate, inefficiency, tolerances, and alignment are all issues of conventional drilling that are overcome by sonic. Some examples of typical applications Eastern Environmental Solutions uses our 8140LS Geoprobe® rig includes:

  • SPT/spit-spoon sampling

  • undisturbed/Shelby tubes

  • Dennison

  • In situ testing

  • Borehole pressure meter

  • Sonic

  • Diamond coring

  • Environmental Remediation

  • Instrumentation & Monitoring

  • Groundwater Profile

  • Well installations

  • Geotechnical

  • Grout/ Chemical Injections

Eastern Environmental Solutions and our expert Geoprobe® operators look forward to working with our state-of-the-art 8140LS Rotary Sonic Drilling Rig. If you would like to inquire about future Geoprobe® work or require more information, give us a call today!


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